Special Offer – 10 % off Burkle White PP Trays from thelabwarehouse.com

September 16, 2014 by thelabwarehouse.com | Filed under Special offers.


The latest special offer from thelabwarehouse.com features a range of White PP trays from German manufacturer Burkle. This offers features six sizes of these great quality Polypropylene trays.  These trays are a multi-purpose item with many uses around the lab and home and include the following features;

Resistant to most common acids, alkalis and solvents. Maximum operating temperature +60ºC (+80ºC can be sustained for short periods). The polished surface makes it easy to clean. Empty trays can be stacked one inside the other to save space. Dimensions given are nominal. Widely used for:

  • collecting aggressive materials
  • storing instruments
  • collecting medical samples
  • holding photographic chemicals

To order these trays at this limited time offer price please follow the links below.

>>Burkle White PP Trays Special Offer

Burkle White PP Trays

* Offer Valid until 16th December 2014

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